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Release date:2019/11/29
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In November 26, 2019, the  final of the 6th Zhuhai University Entrepreneurship Competition and the 1st Zhuhai Macao University Entrepreneurship Competition was  successfully concluded in Zhuhai College of Beijing University of  Technology.

Zhuhai University Entrepreneurship Competition has been held since 2014. It is one of the most influential "mass entrepreneurship and innovation" brands in zhuhai. It provides a platform for promising young people to show their talents, exercise their abilities and explore innovation, and helps many college students to turn their lofty aspirations into reality and become a "booster" for young college students to grow into talents. For six consecutive competitions, a total of 855 projects have been attracted, and a large number of outstanding entrepreneurial projects have emerged, among which 111 have won prizes, with a total funding amount of 4.198 million yuan.

Since the start of the competition on September 18, 134 entries have been attracted. In only one month, the competition has attracted wide attention and enthusiastic participation of innovation and entrepreneurship youth from universities and the society. This competition system is divided into team group and enterprise group. The competition system is divided into three stages: preliminary, semi-final and final. At the same time, in order to encourage Macao university students to actively participate in the upsurge of "mass entrepreneurship and innovation" and boost the diversified development of Macao's economy, this competition is open to Macao university students for the first time, attracting the application of 15 projects of Macao University, including 9 projects of team group and 6 projects of enterprise group.

The quality of the entries is high, with both hard technology and soft power. The project involves new energy, information, aerospace, machinery manufacturing, new materials and other emerging industries and new formats. It closely integrates the new generation of information technology such as mobile Internet, big data, artificial intelligence, Internet of things and other fields of economy and society, cultivates new products, new services, new formats and new models. Meanwhile, the business model is relatively mature, strong growth, great development potential and exhibition Nowadays, college students have keen insight and foresight on market and technology.

After the preliminary and the second round of the selection, a  total of 20 outstanding projects were promoted to the final, including  10 excellent projects of the enterprise group and 10 excellent projects  of the team group.

The final competition is divided into roadshow and defense.  Each entrepreneurial team displays from project overview, background  analysis, market model, marketing strategy, management model, etc.

After fierce competition, the final awards were selected for  each group. Each group has two gold awards, three silver awards and five  bronze awards. Each group has 50000 yuan of Gold Award, 30000 yuan of  silver award, 10000 yuan of copper award, 100000 yuan of Enterprise  Group Gold Award, 80000 yuan of silver award and 50000 yuan of copper  award.


(Award list of enterprise group)

According to the relevant person in charge of the municipal human resources and Social Security Bureau, the award-winning projects can be free of evaluation and preferentially cultivated in the public entrepreneurship incubation (training) base in Zhuhai, Guangdong Province, enjoying preferential support such as free field rent, and giving entrepreneurship support and other policies according to regulations. For qualified entrepreneurs, priority should be given to the cooperative financial institutions of the competition to apply for entrepreneurial micro loans, and discount interest should be given according to the policy. It is recommended to the competition cooperative investment fund and venture capital institution preferentially, and enjoys the investment and financing services related to the project docking meeting. For the entrepreneurial team with excellent performance and development potential in the competition, certain publicity support shall be given to expand the social influence of the project. "The competition is a powerful action for young students to conform to the pulse of the times and fulfill the mission of the times. Our city has taken many measures to create a good innovation and entrepreneurship ecology for college students, and help them" incubate "excellent innovation and entrepreneurship ability and" incubate "into a new force for industrial transformation and upgrading in practice." The person in charge said.

Innovation goes hand in hand with dreams, entrepreneurship goes hand in hand with the times. Six years of hard work, six years of exploration and innovation, six years of practical reform, the city's college students entrepreneurship competition to explore and cultivate a number of innovative awareness and entrepreneurial ability of outstanding talents, encourage more technology can be implemented, the market can be verified, the model of sustainable entrepreneurial team to join the trend of entrepreneurship and innovation, add fresh water for the high-quality development of Zhuhai, and contribute to the economic construction of Dawan District Zhuhai Quantity.

(The above part of the content is reproduced from Tencent News)
